National Committee for a Human Life Amendment


On January 24, 2024 Carson City District Judge James T. Russell approved a petition by abortion advocates as eligible for signature gathering in their attempt to get abortion rights on the 2024 ballot. The petition was cleared to have supporters gather more than 102,000 signatures by the June 26 deadline.

The ballot measure would allow the state to regulate abortion after “viability” with exceptions and after that for the life and physical and mental health of the woman, permitting abortion though 9 months of pregnancy. The measure would remove the current parental notification and consent laws for minor children and eliminate a ‘licensed physician’ requirement by substituting the term ‘health care practitioner’ instead. It further enshrines abortion in the state constitution and makes it more difficult to overturn.

In May, abortion advocates had gathered over 200,000 signatures from registered voters, exceeding the 103,000 required to advance the proposal for ballot qualification. On June 28, the Nevada Secretary of State’s office announced the verification of these signatures, confirming that the amendment will be on the November ballot.

See advisory from the Nevada Catholic Conference .