National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

State Updates

In 2024, the following states attempted to pass initiatives that would amend their state constitution by inserting a right to abortion.  The process for amending their state constitution varied from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

At the beginning of the year 13 states had begun the process.  Three of those states failed on procedural grounds to move forward.  10 of those states succeeded in completing the requirements to place the initiative on the ballot.  Of these ten, six states voted, by varying margins, in favor of inserting a right to abortion in the state constitution.  One state passed the first of two rounds of voting for their initiative (a second vote will take place in 2026), and three states, thankfully, failed to acquire the votes needed to make a virtually unrestricted right to abortion part of the constitution.

Arizona Colorado Florida Maryland
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New York South Dakota


The following three states initiated the process of introducing an abortion amendment but failed to get it on the ballot.

Arkansas Maine Pennsylvania

For a summary of the 2024 elections and the state ballot initiatives, please see this article by Paul Linton in Human Life Review.