Dear Friends,
The amazing talks just keep coming here at the Vita Institute sponsored by the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
This morning, Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Intitute is showing us the empirical social science evidence indicating that the number of abortions is declining as the pro-life movement continues to expose the reality of abortion and change hearts and minds. He tells us that between 1990 and 2012 the number of abortions has declined by 30%.
Dr. New is also explaining to us the life-saving power of state laws such as those that involve parents in abortion on minors or those that restrict Medicaid funding, or improve informed consent.
Good laws — state or federal– have good effects and can have a positive formative effect on culture. So, let’s remember the Bishops’ call to action to protect pro-life healthcare providers by means of the Conscience Protection Act of 2016. Updates on our efforts to urge Congress to pass this common-sense and much-needed legislation are coming your way soon. Until then, urge everyone you know to engage by sending a message to Congress today. Here’s the link. You know what to do!…
Together we will be heard!