Please let me introduce myself. I am the new Staff Assistant here at Human Life Action (an initiative of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, NCHLA). I am a DC native and much of my social life, sustained by Facebook, has long been other Catholics in the DC area. For a long time we had a group called the DC Catholic Forum, which has morphed into Faithful Adult Ministry, numerous groups for young adults, and something called the DC area Catholic Mafia. Hmm. Well, we don’t have any bodies in the trunk but we are committed, we are organized, and we are pro-life. And we don’t like to take “NO” for an answer.
Human Life Action is here to mobilize Catholics and all pro-life Americans to advocate for federal laws in support of life and liberty. HLA has a website where you can sign up for action alerts and send electronic messages to your representatives about important legislation affecting life and liberty, ( Since 1974, NCHLA has been in the background, building pro-life legislative networks, educating the faithful on the need to correct the legal damage done by the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, and helping people to send postcards to their members of Congress to support laws that build the culture of life. The organization has a proud history of successfully serving the pro-life legislative agenda of the U.S. Catholic bishops and has participated in successful efforts such as those to stop the Freedom of Choice Act and to pass the Partial Birth Abortion ban to name just a few.
Now, in this digital age, come many new opportunities for making our voice heard. HLA has a sophisticated email platform that makes it easy for the grassroots to email our elected federal representatives. Consider how much more can we do if we act and pray as one in this connection economy the Internet has given us? When we all raise our voices as one to protect life and liberty in law, we are heard on Capitol Hill. We can help shape policy that builds the culture of life. Right now, we are working hard to protect the conscience rights of health care workers. You can watch a short video about nurse Cathy DeCarlo’s personal story to learn more. Then, please join us in contacting Congress to let them know what we expect.
Let’s make God an offer He can’t refuse. Let’s continue to fast and pray for the cause of life in our nation, and let’s sign ourselves and all our contacts up for action alerts with Human Life Action Center.. Together we will be heard!
Peace and all good,