Sept. 23, 2019 Nicholas Wolfram Smith While attacks on human life “seem to grow more numerous and callous by the day,” Christians’ hope in the Resurrection gives “the grace to... read more →
40 Days for Life participants pray outside the Planned Parenthood location on Valencia Street in San Francisco in April 2019. 40 Days will run its first fall prayer campaign in... read more →
By Catholic News Agency WASHINGTON – A new study from a Planned Parenthood think tank released on Wednesday has found that abortion in the United States has dropped to its lowest rate... read more →
By Matt Hadro | Catholic News Agency WASHINGTON – Five months after first attempting to force a vote on legislation to protect babies who survive botched abortions, pro-life Members in... read more →
By Theresa Stratford | Catholic News Service CHARLESTON, S.C. – While most of the country was winding down from its Independence Day festivities, another type of celebration was underway at... read more →
June 21, 2019 Catholic News Agency ST. LOUIS - Missouri’s health department on Friday rejected a license renewal request from a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis, the last remaining abortion... read more →
June 19, 2019 Catholic News Agency MELBOURNE, Australia - The four Latin rite ordinaries in Victoria have written a pastoral letter denouncing the state's “new, and deeply troubling chapter of... read more →
An illustration of CRISPR-Cas9, a customizable tool that lets scientists cut and insert small pieces of DNA at precise areas along a DNA strand. Source: National Human Genome Research Institute, Bethesda,... read more →
A Christian in New Delhi holds a candle during a solidarity vigil March 16, 2015, for a nun who was raped during an armed assault. (CNS photo/Anindito Mukherjee, Reuters) April... read more →
By Jacob Comello | Catholic News Service WASHINGTON - Statehouses across the United States have served as venues for the abortion debate to play out in the past few months,... read more →