Governor expected to sign ‘heartbeat’ bill, joining five other states this year By Arian Campo-Flores | The Wall Street Journal The Louisiana House passed a bill that would effectively outlaw... read more →
By C. Douglas Golden | The Western Journal Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is not the kind of man known to mince words. And, in a concurring opinion in an... read more →
Join Abby Johnson and other former abortion workers on Tuesday, May 21 for a webinar that is sure to inspire you to continue to change hearts and minds about abortion.... read more →
By Greg Erlandson | Catholic News Service When Alabama’s governor, Kay Ivey, signed the nation’s most restrictive abortion bill into law, she gave this simple explanation. “Every life is precious,”... read more →
Live Action recently released a video addressing the "My body, my choice" argument and how to respond to it:
By Chuck Weber | The Leaven Kansas legislators finished the grueling 2019 session with two monumental issues before them: a contentious fight over Medicaid expansion and an astonishing state Supreme... read more →
Senator Daines condemned infanticide and said "all human life is precious, no matter the state of development or disability."
By Elizabeth Kirk | Public Discourse In the wake of last month’s decision, the only remedy left to the people of Kansas is to pass a constitutional amendment to declare... read more →
Learn more about the Times Square event sponsored by Focus on the Family: