By Jacob Comello | Catholic News Service WASHINGTON - Statehouses across the United States have served as venues for the abortion debate to play out in the past few months,... read more →
By Mary Hallan FioRito | America Magazine My teenage daughter recently developed a headache and fever bad enough for her to tell me: “Mom, I need to go to the... read more →
By Denis Slattery | New York Daily News ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo encouraged state lawmakers Tuesday to pass a bill that would allow terminally ill patients to request life-ending medication.... read more →
Chairman of US Bishops Pro Life Committee Issues Statement on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act WASHINGTON–Today, U.S. Representative Steve Scalise is filing a discharge petition to force a vote on... read more →
By Live Action News While speaking to a rather vocal group of college students about the right to life that should exist for all humans, including preborn children, Students for... read more →
By Marc and Julie Anderson | The Leaven Easy. That is how James (not his real name) described his experience of giving $300 to a college girlfriend for an abortion... read more →
By Steve Johnson | The Leaven ATCHISON — People working on the movie had to keep it secret. Actors were told they could damage their careers by participating. Music rights... read more →
By Thomas DeLorenzo | JURIST The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled Thursday that a Kentucky law requiring a doctor to perform an ultrasound prior to performing... read more →
By Neal Augenstein | WTOP When pregnant schoolteacher Laura Wallen was murdered by her boyfriend in 2017, her parents set out to pass a law that would make it easier... read more →
HHS awards the Obria Group $5.1 million over three years. By Peter Jesserer Smith | National Catholic Register WASHINGTON — In lieu of congressional defunding of Planned Parenthood, the Trump... read more →