Human Life Action’s Executive Director, Amy McInerny spoke on EWTN’s radio show Morning Glory with Gloria Purvis June 2, 2016. You can listen here as she explains the need for grassroots people of faith... read more →
This morning there was a forum sponsored by The House Committee for Energy & Commerce showcasing the need for The Conscience Protection Act of 2016 (CPA). This legislation is crucial... read more →
There's a storm coming tomorrow morning -- a social media storm, that is! No need to store water and canned goods. The best way to prepare is to follow us... read more →
Hearing Cardinal Sarah speak at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast recently was truly a blessing. He has the rare gift of being strong and gentle at the same time. He... read more →
As I was commuting to work this morning and listening to Morning Glory on EWTN radio I learned that Saint Junipero Serra, whose feast we celebrate today, was walking through... read more →
Please let me introduce myself. I am the new Staff Assistant here at Human Life Action (an initiative of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, NCHLA). I am... read more →
Dear Friends, The amazing talks just keep coming here at the Vita Institute sponsored by the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture. This morning, Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Intitute... read more →
Dear Friends, I have just arrived on the Notre Dame campus thanks to a generous invitation from Professor Carter Snead, Executive Director of the Center for Ethics and Culture. I... read more →
Until yesterday, I had never seen her without hair. I remember one of my first glimpses of her when the ultrasound tech gasped "look at all that hair!” But today,... read more →
Millennials and Generation Y are the names given to my generation. It seems we wear many labels. Recently I was at a marketing event and learned many intriguing statistics about... read more →