February’s celebration of Black History month prompted reflection on the U.S. Catholic bishops’ first pastoral letter on racism in 40 years, an initiative that encourages discernment, conversion, prayer, teaching and... read more →
Waking the individual consciences of a people lulled by custom and hoodwinked by propaganda is extremely difficult. How does one shock, as it were, that sleepy organ into re-assessing a... read more →
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act has failed to achieve the 60 votes necessary to invoke cloture and bring the legislation forward. The Senate voted of 53 to 44 to... read more →
Americans have shifted toward a pro-life stance in recent weeks during a period when some states are considering legislation that would legalize abortion up until birth, according to a new... read more →
Saying that "medicine is a noble profession," a Catholic physician told Maryland lawmakers that "physician-assisted suicide fundamentally alters the physician's role in society."Dr. Marie-Alberte Boursiquot made the comments in testimony... read more →
Technology holds the potential to benefit all of humankind, but it also poses risky and unforeseen results, Pope Francis said.The rapid evolution of increased technological capacities, for example with artificial... read more →
The Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference is calling on Nicolas Maduro’s government to allow humanitarian aid to enter the country and be peacefully distributed to people who are desperately in need of... read more →
With a bill to legalize abortion for any reason until birth advancing in Vermont, the local Catholic bishop has stressed that defending unborn babies is a matter of human rights.“Do... read more →
Only together, by humbly sharing their experiences, encouragement and corrective advice, can the bishops and leaders in the Catholic Church work to prevent the abuse of minors and help bring... read more →
By Savanna Kearney It’s been one year since the Parkland school shooting, and yet it seems that little has changed in terms of peer violence. There have been seven shootings... read more →